Pasting keys from another animation will not merge with existing keys. Eg, if you paste idle over standing and they both key the same properties, you'll have a mess. There is currently no way to combine them. It is technically a difficult problem to combine animations like they are shown in Preview when using multiple tracks. Animation for a property is a linear list of times and values. Combining two such lists could result in the graph of the change in values over time to be curved. It is not easy to make a new list that matches that curve. The easiest way would be plotting, which would set keys every X frames, but this is inefficient and difficult to change later.
Are you exporting images or video? If so then Preview/tracks won't help either.
joker0720 schriebIf I wanted to do the 'adjust to be standing' but by pasting the pose, how would I do that? I cannot figure out how to make it adjust all the frames, from a pasted pose.
Pasting is not affected by key Adjust
. It sounds like what you want is the ability to paste keys additively. Eg, if a key moves a bone 50 on X from the setup pose, then pasting it additively would take whatever the value is in the current animation at that time and add 50 to it. This is currently not possible, sorry!